About the Yearbook
February 2020
On February 21st, the International Observatory for Terrorism Studies (OIET) presented its Yearbook of Jihadist Terrorism 2019. The event was led by Consuelo Ordóñez, president of OIET. She was accompanied by a group of experts including Carlos Igualada (director of OIET), Luis de la Corte (professor at the UAM) and Pilar Cebrián (journalist).
This is the third yearbook published by the organization. Founded by Covite (Victims of Terrorism Collective) in 2016 with the aim of promoting the development of research projects on the prevention of violent radicalization and democratic principles. Among the authors of this yearbook, we find important figures such as Ana Aizpiri, Pilar Cebrián, Alexandra Gil, Carlos Igualada, Iñaki Méndez, Pilar Rangel, Marta Summers and Manuel Torres.