US-China relations
May 2023
On May 4th, Foreign Policy organised a live debate focused on the evolving dynamics in US-China relations. The conversation centred on a specific question: is Washington genuinely shifting its 'tough-on-China' policy? The panel, consisting of FP’s reporters Robbie Gramer, Jack Detsch, and Christina Lu, examined the factors contributing to Washington’s hawkish approach for the last decade and potential changes in its stance. The Trump administration departed from the decades-long policy of engagement by adopting a confrontational position that has been carried on by the Biden administration, showing a rare bipartisan consensus. Recent remarks by key senior officials, however, may indicate that the hardliner attitude in Washington is not as prevalent as it first appeared and that more cautious and nuanced management of the bilateral relationship is preferred than complete decoupling. The debate also contemplated other issues that add further complexity such as the absence of direct communication between Biden and Xi, Europe’s different approach and interests, fears about military confrontation over Taiwan, the upcoming 2024 US presidential election and China’s increasing role in domestic politics.