COAJE in “A New World”
January 2022
The situation on the border between Ukraine and Russia does not cool down. More than 100,000 soldiers have been sent from Moscow, meanwhile the alarms in Kiev are still on. Meanwhile, Moldova and Georgia are looking at the situation out of the corner of their eyes because of what might happen, since Abkhazia and South Ossetia (in Georgia) and Transnistriaia (in Moldova) have a Russian presence in territories that are not seriously recognized on the political scene but, thanks to to Russian military support, they have proclaimed themselves independent. An idea that roams the provinces of the Ukrainian Donbass.
The Atlantic Alliance, in its mission to protect the security of its allies, has supported Ukraine without distinction. NATO affirms that it does not close the door to any sovereign state and refuses to eliminate the defenses of member countries or expel states that were in times of the Cold War under the mandate of the USSR.
In these times of meetings at the highest level, where appointments between Washington, NATO, the EU, Moscow, OSCE and Kiev take place day after day, our Chairwoman Patricia Moreno has sat at the microphones of A New World, a program directed by Iago Soler and produced at Inforadio, the radio station of the Complutense University of Madrid. In the 42 minutes that the episode lasts, the first of the program, the positions of NATO on the Russian threat that hangs over Ukraine are narrated. (Read more)